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The Battle of Maldon:
Text and Translation

Translated and edited by Bill Griffiths

The Battle of Maldon was fought between the Englishmen of Essex and Danes in AD 991. The action was captured in an Anglo-Saxon poem whose vividness and heroic spirit has fascinated readers and scholars for generations. The Battle of Maldon includes the source text; edited text; parallel literal translation; verse translation; notes on pronunciation; review of 103 books and articles. This new edition includes notes on Old English verse.

* The edited Old English text and parallel literal Modern English translation is intended to be of help to those learning Old English.



Text and Translation

Translated by John Porter

The verse in which the story unfolds is, by common consent, the finest writing surviving in Old English, a text that all students of the language and many general readers will want to tackle in the original form. To aid understanding of the Old English, a literal word-by-word translation is printed opposite the edited Old English text and provides a practical key to this Anglo-Saxon masterpiece.

£6·95 192 pages


The English Warrior from earliest times til 1066:
Anglo-Saxon warriors, weapons and warfare

Stephen Pollington

This important work is not intended to be a bald listing of the battles and campaigns from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and other sources, but rather it is an attempt to get below the surface of Anglo-Saxon warriorhood and to investigate the rites, social attitudes, mentality and mythology of the warfare of those times.

"An under-the-skin study of the role, rights, duties, psyche and rituals of the Anglo-Saxon warrior. The author combines original translations from Norse and Old English primary sources with archaeological and linguistic evidence for an in-depth look at the warrior, his weapons, tactics and logistics. A very refreshing, innovative and well-written piece of scholarship that illuminates a neglected period of English history."
Time Team Booklists Channel 4 Television

Appendices offer original translations of the three principal Old English military poems, the battles of Maldon, Finnsburh and Brunanburh

38 figures and illustrations

£14·95 272 pages


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Book cover for Beowulf. Text and Translation

Book cover for The English Warrior from earliest times til 1066. Anglo-Saxon warriors, weapons and warfare
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