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Anglo-Saxon Burial Mounds

Stephen Pollington

Most people have heard of the ship burial at Sutton Hoo. Many are aware that there were other similar mounds nearby which once contained rich graves. Perhaps less well known is that the magnificent royal burial in Mound 1 at Sutton Hoo was only the most splendid so far discovered of a series of rich graves of the same period.

This is the first book-length treatment of Anglo-Saxon Barrows in English. It brings together some of the evidence from Sutton Hoo and elsewhere in England for these magnificent burials and sets them in their historical, religious and social context.

Part 1 descibes the physical construction and symbolic meaning of these monuments.

Part 2 provides a comprehensive listing of known Anglo-Saxon barrows with notes on their contents and the circumstances of their discovery.

The appendices deal with literary and place-name evidence.

22 illustrations - 11 in colour

£16.95   ISBN 9781898281511   264 pages

See Contents page and extract


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